Wordcamp Delhi

Meet Me at WordCamp Delhi 2017: Improve Your WordPress Skills

From the last couple of years, WordCamps has been happening in India and with an urge to spread the words about WordPress, WordCamp Delhi is on its way.

WordCamps have happened in the different cities of our country including Mumbai, Nasik, Pune, Udaipur, Nagpur, Kanpur and now at Delhi on August 19th, 2017.

And you know that being the capital of India, New Delhi is the place to enthrall everyone’s heart.

What’s the best part about learning WordPress? Is it easy or something you consider it moderate? I am going to let you know about an event which is full of exciting sessions.

First of all, let me ask something. Do you have any idea about WordCamp? What’s that all about?

WordCamp: An Event to Spread the WordPress Community

It’s an official event organized by the local community members of WordPress. The main motive is to gather the local WordPress users.

WordCamp includes the sessions related to “how to” tutorials, best code practice etc. You will learn about the topics from the beginning to the advanced coding level of WordPress core.

It may be related to its plugins or themes.

There are experts present in every local WordPress community. And everyone believes to share his/her experience to help others.

You can say it’s a get-together party with lots of informational talks.

Why Should You Attend WordCamp Delhi 2017

Every time I open my Facebook, I notice people pinging me for what’s it all about and how WordCamp Delhi is going to be something everyone can admire.

Well, nothing is heartthrob until it gets finished. You can’t get an idea of having an informative conference until you attend it.

This is what we’re going to prove at this event. It will be full of surprises.

Let me mention some points you will find some value in.

  • Two separate tracks
  • Speakers with pure WordPress background
  • One of the best Venues
  • Surprising Swag
  • The sessions with full of energy
  • The best event for beginners as well as business owners
  • Different aspect of how WordPress can serve you

Let me elaborate a little bit.

You will have the choice to choose the session from each track. Two parallel tracks are going to run where different speakers will share their expertise.

If you’re a coder, wants to learn WordPress coding, its practices, about the future of WordPress editor and more then you should go with the developer track.

Bring Your Laptop: WordCamp Delhi is providing a special track for youClick To Tweet

We welcome you to learn from the expert of this WordPress community. Indian WordPress community is growing and we want you to be its important part.

India is a youth country which requires WordPress developers and this track is more overly focused for the people who want to learn to code.

It’s not just about the techie people, anyone can have a sip of coding tea.

You can check it on the official website of WordCamp Delhi.

Want to Meet Me? WordCamp Delhi is the Opportunity

I have been selected as one of the speakers for this official event and I proudly announce, this is something I have achieved.

The hard work always pays off.

I will be talking about WordPress errors and how you can solve them without taking any help from any expert.

If you use WordPress then why can’t you become an expert? You should be the one handling your website, solving every possible error, experimenting it for more surprising phases of WordPress.

I will teach you how it’s done and there is nothing to afraid about.

With a sense of fear, most of the WordPress users give up blogging and all they do is call their techie guy to fix even a simple error.

I will make you believe that running a WordPress website is easy as never before.

  • 404 Error
  • Error Establishing a Database Connection
  • White Screen of Death
  • Locked out of the WordPress Admin Panel
  • HTTP Error
  • Memory Exhausted Error
  • Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk Error
  • Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded
  • Can’t Modify Header Information Error

There are lots of common WordPress errors which should be known to you. You should have a clear thought about what can be done for troubleshooting.

Are You Ready to Add an Ounce to Your WordPress Knowledge Bucket

This is a one-day event which can make you understand the power of WordPress and how it can be your next CMS to start your new venture.

With the increasing curiosity among today’s youth, everyone is after learning WordPress and that’s what WordCamp Delhi is going to provide.

This is an event where you can connect with influencers, learn more about WordPress, experience the professional conference and what not.

Are you coming to WordCamp Delhi 2017? If not then you can have another opportunity. The next WordCamp is going to happen in Ahmedabad.

You can check the official website to get your ticket.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Probably a newbie and hence I wasn’t aware of the WordPress Conference. This is awesome news and thank you sharing the details. I may not be personally present but one of us will definitely try to attend it.



    1. Hey Rahul,

      It’s an opportunity to meet WordPress experts from all over our country and getting to know each other always a plus.

      It would be great to meet any one of you there.


    1. Hey Ankit,

      There is an event and news section on your WordPress dashboard. Whenever a WordCamp is going to happen, you will see a notification. Right now, it’s showing WordCamp Delhi and WordCamp Delhi 2017.

      One is for the WordCamp and another is for the same but fetching the meetup information.

      Or you can directly visit WordPress Central to know about all the WordCamps happening in the whole world.


  2. Hello Ravi,


    WordCamp is indeed a great platform for all the people who are linked with the blogosphere.

    Great to know that you are going to attend that, hope the time comes soon, I can make it to there.

    Looking forward to see the pictures and post regarding how the WordCamp went through.

    Thanks for the share.


  3. Hi Ravi, this was really informative!

    It is surely an achievement to be a speaker at WordCamp. Congratulations!

    Looking forward to meet you at the event and learn more about WordPress from the speakers/influencers.

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